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Some models that have influenced me on the Warrior's Way

Writer's picture: Gaëtan SauvéGaëtan Sauvé

This article is the cover letter for my project on the warrior model that I presented in 1995 during my training as a master practitioner in neurolinguistic programming. Twenty-six years ago, I had summarized some of the authors who had influenced me on the martial way from 1971 to 1995. I have left the article as is.

I do not mention other models that I have discovered in the last 25 years, I will share them with you when I present them to you in due course.

The use of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

I used NLP tools, first, to bring out the traits and strengths of the warrior to make a model.

In which environment we find this warrior energy, what are his behaviors, how the warrior is a master of tactics and strategy, what are the beliefs, values, criteria (what I call our warrior code or code of ethics) and presuppositions related to the warrior, why it can be very useful to have a warrior part in oneself, the influence of the warrior on one's identity, and the importance of spirituality in the warrior.

This Warrior model can be implanted in the mind of anyone who wishes to answer the call of the warrior.

Fundamentally, the way of the Warrior is a way of excellence. The Warrior's primary mission is the resolution of conflict and the maintenance of harmony. The warrior model is a pragmatic model.

The warrior places a certain emphasis on calibration, observation, the structure of subjective experience and the interaction between individuals. The warrior possesses an extremely developed sensory acuity; he seeks to gather and understand the different elements, both objective and subjective, to execute the right gesture and the right action.

I will paint the portrait of the warrior by drawing on my personal experience, the different masters I have worked with and the different traditions of the warrior path.

Here are some of the references and bibliographies that I have used or will use on the warrior path:

1. The art of war by Sun Tzu.

2. The treatise of the five wheels (gorin no sho), Miyamoto Mushashi.

3. The way of the Japanese samurai and Bushido (the warrior's code).

4. The knights of medieval Europe.

5. The spiritual warriors of India.

6. Native American warriors.

7. The superior path of the Tibetan warrior.

8. Dan Millman's peaceful warrior.

9. The way of the warrior according to Carlos Castaneda

10. The way of the warrior according to Karl Dürchkheim.

11. The way of Zen.

12. The tao te king

13. The way of the non-violent warrior of Mahatmi Gandhi.

14. The way of Aikido and Master Morihei Ushiba

15. Stoicism in the way of the Warrior

16. Budo as taught by Sosai Masutatsu Oyama

And many other documents related to the way of the warrior.

Through these material and various tools such as neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), Ericksonian hypnosis principles, general semantics, etc., we will develop a model of the warrior, one that is focused on conflict resolution (the obstacles that prevent us from realizing ourselves = our shadow warrior) and the way of excellence.

This is not the same as the negative warrior (who draw is energy in the shadow) who only seeks war and destruction with the background of domination and power over others.

Using this model:

- We will become aware of the relationship between success and the warrior spirit.

- We will discover the secret of the terrible efficiency of ancient warriors such as the samurai, the Greek and Roman warriors.

- We will understand why some people with serious illnesses roll up their sleeves and fight for their health while others give up and give in.

- We will realize that researchers, inventors, leaders, great communicators, therapists, entrepreneurs, athletes, artists and all those who have succeeded in their fields and dared to face the unknown, despite the insecurity, are great warriors.

- We will help you establish your vision, your life mission, your goals and your objectives. In addition, we will create together your warrior code to ensure that your goals are well aligned with your purpose. A warrior cannot exist without a bigger cause to defend.

- Most importantly, we will provide you with multiple exercises so that you can apply this warrior model to your own life.

- Through this model, we will discover how the spirit of the warrior is needed in these times of global upheaval and why we need people of action who are committed to various causes to find pragmatic solutions to the problems and multiple crises of this new millennium.

- Through social upheaval, we seek a model on an individual level. We desire a model that can help us consciously engage in action to contribute to a new emergence of collective consciousness, achieve self-mastery, and find meaning in our lives. The warrior model responds to this quest.


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Unknown member
Nov 25, 2021


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