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Release yourself from interference to increase your potential in your fighting game

Writer's picture: Gaëtan SauvéGaëtan Sauvé

Second pillar of the generative warrior path: "How to free yourself from interference to increase your potential in your (fighting) game

The second pillar of the generative warrior path consists of tools or technologies to free you from any interference that stands in your way and seeks to impede your progress. These tools help you to focus on what is important, and to stay on track despite external obstacles and distractions.

Generative warriors know that to create the life they want, they must be willing to let go of what holds them back

Interference can take many forms, from external forces such as the opinions and expectations of others, to internal blockages such as doubt or fear.

We are often told that in order to be successful we need to clear our minds and focus on the task at hand. This is especially true when it comes to combat training. Our mind, emotions and body can be both our greatest assets and our greatest obstacles when we need to perform at our best.

When it comes to training or fighting, there are many benefits to freeing yourself from the physical, physiological, practical and psychological interference that can get in your way. When you are able to free yourself from these obstacles, you are better able to focus on your training and achieve your goals.

We are the world, to master oneself is to master the world

In karate or any other art, you are constantly seeking to improve your techniques and yourself. To do this, you must be free of interference and act creatively and generatively.

Many emotions can interfere with our ability to perform at our best. Fear, anger and frustration are just a few. But if we can learn to control these emotions, we will be much better off.

Maximising your capabilities is closely linked to knowing your limits

We all have limitations. But if we can learn to overcome them, we will be much better off. It is like being a bird in a cage. The bird is limited by the cage and can only flap its wings to a limited extent. But when it is freed from the cage, it can reach great heights and fly wherever it wants.

So how can we free ourselves from these emotions and limitations?

The first step, before using a tool, is to be aware of it. Once we are aware of them, we can start working to overcome them. It takes time and practice, but it is worth it.

What are the benefits of freeing oneself from the physical, physiological, practical and psycho-logical interferences that are the obstacles to maximising one's potential?

By freeing yourself from physical, physiological, practical and psycho-logical interference, you will be able to

1. better focus on your training and achieve your goals,

2. identify what is causing the interference,

3. identify the emotions or thoughts that are holding you back,

4. release the interference by unblocking the emotions/thoughts associated with it,

5. Visualise yourself acting on the interference and resolving it,

6. train without interference in training or combat sessions,

7. release your emotions and thoughts that limit your actions,

8. Improve your attention and concentration.

In conclusion, freeing yourself from the physical, physiological, practical and psycho-logical interferences that are barriers to maximising your potential can have many benefits. These benefits can include better physical and mental health, increased productivity and creativity, and a greater sense of self-awareness and control. It is therefore important that you are aware of these barriers and take steps to overcome them. By doing so, you have the opportunity to maximise your potential and lead a more fulfilling life.

Gaëtan Sauvé



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