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Gain an Edge with Martial Arts Strategies & Tactics

Writer's picture: Gaëtan SauvéGaëtan Sauvé

Having strategies and tactics is at the heart of what a creative and generative fighter should be. As you progress, you must continue to emphasize these two subjects.

Combat and martial arts is an incredibly complex fields, requiring the highest levels of knowledge, skill, and adaptability. Strategy and tactics are essential components of any successful martial practice.

As a generative warrior, you should focus on developing skills in these two areas. With the right strategies and tactics in place, you will better understand the principles of combat and be able to implement them more effectively.

The road to victory begins before the battle starts. Success is found in preparation, not in luck. Plan for victory before you enter the battle. -Gaëtan Sauvé

What is the difference between strategy and tactics?

Have you ever wondered what the difference is between strategy and tactics in martial arts? People often use these terms interchangeably, but there are clear differences between them. We will now explore the comparison and contrast between strategy and tactics in martial arts to help you better understand how to use them together to give you a competitive advantage.

The etymology of the word 'strategy' is derived from two Greek roots: stratos, meaning 'army', and agein, meaning 'to lead'. This reflects the ancient military context from which strategies originated. A strategy is an overall objective to win a war, as opposed to tactics which are more localized and short-term objectives to achieve specific goals (such as winning a battle) within a given timeframe.

The distinction between strategy and tactics are two distinct but intrinsically linked components. Strategy refers to the overall approach or course of action taken in each situation, while tactics are the short-term actions taken to implement the broader strategy. While both elements must be considered and executed to be successful, it is important to note that strategic thinking is what guides tactical execution.

Karate and the martial arts are like a game of chess - the pieces (the techniques) and the board (the battlefield, arena or dojo) are essential, but it is the strategy and tactics a player uses to make his moves that will decide who wins or loses.

- Gaëtan Sauvé

Martial arts have been around for centuries and over time strategies and tactics have been developed to help practitioners succeed in their practice. Strategy and tactics are an integral part of our martial practice as they provide us with the tools to succeed on and off the battlefield.

In terms of strategy, we must think about how best to use our opponents' weaknesses against them while remaining aware of our own strengths. On the other hand, tactics involve the implementation of these strategic ideas, including physical moves such as footwork or blocking techniques that can give us an advantage in a fight. By understanding how these two concepts work together, we become better generative warriors who can engage more effectively in combat situations while being creative enough to respond dynamically when necessary.


Looking to win? Developing a strategy may be the key to success. If so, then the five-step meta-strategy is designed for you. By following these five steps, you will determine your goals and objectives, gather information about your opponents, develop a plan that will fit the environment, engage in action, and analyze your results.

With this five-phase metastrategy, victory could be yours! With this approach, you can adjust your plan for the next actions and make sure your strategies are up to date.

When you need to create a plan for your strategy and tactics, do the following. Develop your plan in five phases:

First, determine what your goals and objectives are.

Second, gather the necessary information about your opponents.

Third, be creative. Create a plan based on the information you have gathered and adapt it to the environment or terrain. Make a plan on paper, then adapt it to the available setting.

Fourth, act on your plan. Enter the arena and launch your actions.

Fifth, review your results and learn from your correct and incorrect decisions. Analyze the results with feedback and continue to adjust your plans for the next action.

Gaëtan Sauvé



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