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PsychoVerbal Self-Defense (ADPV)

A person stands in front of an old martial arts master. She asks him: “Master, I would like to learn your method of self-defense (self-defense)”. The old master after having observed him attentively, answers him: "Against which "self" (self), do you want to learn how to defend yourself?" 

Mon style  Tu peux l'appeler l'art de se battre sans se battre!.png

The unique psychoverbal martial art

Communication is an essential part of our lives and radically shapes our experiences. The way we communicate and solve problems has a direct impact on our life and how we achieve our goals.


Our interactions with others can create or help resolve boundaries, conflicts and divisions. It can mean the difference between success and failure, but few of us realize how much communication shapes our experiences and our lives. You have to be aware of this, because it is essential to take ownership of your life and have a positive vision of your future.

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